Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One Step Forward... Two Steps Back...

I just got off the phone with my mom. She is having a harder time today, feeling a little depressed, and struggling with the pain. Apparently, when she decided that her spinal had worn off yesterday (because she wasn't itchy anymore) she was wrong. It really wore off last night. She could tell because of the horrible pain she suddenly found herself in. It would seem the femoral blocks by themselves don't actually block that much pain, or perhaps without them she would REALLY be a mess. She was beating herself up because she has regressed. She has reduced her bending to 60 degrees- 10 degrees less than she was doing yesterday, and she was only able to walk out to the nurses station- which a few posts ago I mentioned was just a stone's throw away. She is also having dizzy spells when she gets up. Mark, the PT says she is right on schedule for one knee, and is still doing phenomenally well for having both of them done, but she is still disappointed in herself. So, ladies and gentlemen, here is my thought: give her a call. Tell her she is doing GREAT! Let her know that you are thinking of her and pulling for her. Lift her spirits a little, and take her mind off of her problems for a few minutes. I'm sure that hearing from those she loves will buoy her up and help her get through this!

1 comment:

The Russell Family said...

Will you let us know when they are plannin on sending her home? Me and my parents are planning on coming to see her in a few days so just keep us updated on where she is. We are praying for her to Get Well soon! Good Luck