Friday, November 14, 2008

Holy Happy Birthday Batman!

It was my birthday- YEAH!!! I LOVE- LOVE- LOVE my birthday. My sweet hubby got the kids up and ready and took them to school, letting me sleep in. Oh my goodness, I can not even tell you how freaking amazing that was. I think it was one of the best birthday presents I have ever had. Normally I have to get up at 7 am to get everything ready on time, but I didn't bother to open my eyes until almost 10.
Once I woke up, I found that my terrific family decorated the house. They didn't have streamers or signs. Instead, they used twisted scotch tape, and sticky notes. It was so creative. I think it was way better than the real thing.
I found sticky notes saying happy birthday EVERYWHERE! They were in my makeup, in my wallet, in the drug cabinet, in the silverwear drawer, by the cereal, in the shower, everywhere. I think I will still be finding those sticky notes into 2009.
I had the luxury of taking a jog, doing some shopping, and going to lunch with good friends (Mo and Teri- you are the best!). Scott also bought me a new camera, that I have enjoyed using and learning to use. My mother came for dinner, games and cheese cake. The kids picked out some cute gifts (Thank you sweet babies!) The night before, my angel of a mother-in-law brought over happy birthday wishes, and secret presents that I am forbidden from talking about. It was a fabulous birthday! Thank you to everyone who had anything to do with it...........


Laura said...

How fun. I love the decorations!! Happy late birthday to you!

The Russell Family said...

Happy Birhtday! Hope you got a spankin! :)

Melanie said...

Happy Birthday Rita! I am glad that you had a great day, you deserve it!

melanie h said...

I was blog hunting this morning and I found your blog. What a great way to start my day. I love it!! Happy Late Birthday to ya- Twilight was fun.


Happy birthday! Nothin better than sleeping until you wake up.... without an alarm. Sorry about the cell phone mix up :)