Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm a Genius!!!

Yesterday my mom brought over the board game 1313 Dead End Drive. The kids and I played it for hours with her. In this game, you can move any of the "people" in an effort to keep your "people" a secret. Every time someone would start moving any of Brock's pieces, he would try (with no success) to control his facial ticks, bust out laughing, and then cover his mouth while he laughed, as if that would keep us from noticing, and realizing exactly who he was. Finally, we asked him what he was laughing at. He looked at us, and said "I am a genius! You guys have no idea who I am." What a funny kid. He truly thought he was pulling one over on us. We had no choice but to agree with him. Yes Brock, you ARE a genius!!!

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